Dear Coalition Members, We in the Lower Colorado River Basin have a new and meaningful way to make our voices heard on flood issues. The Lower Colorado-Lavaca Regional Flood Planning Group (Region 10), which I chair, was created last year to develop a plan that identifies flood projects and strategies to better protect lives and property by controlling and mitigating damage. Our regional plan, due in 2023, will be rolled up with 14 other regions into a State Flood Plan due in 2024.
Dear Coalition Members:
We in the Lower Colorado River Basin have a new and meaningful way to make our voices heard on flood issues.
The Lower Colorado-Lavaca Regional Flood Planning Group (Region 10), which I chair, was created last year to develop a plan that identifies flood projects and strategies to better protect lives and property by controlling and mitigating damage.
Our regional plan, due in 2023, will be rolled up with 14 other regions into a State Flood Plan due in 2024.